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We Are The Lambda Generation. LambdaGeneration is a website dedicated to the video game Half-Life. ( We're basically really passionate about crowbars, headcrabs and anyone who has goatee with a PhD in theoretical physics… )

'Foxtrot Uniform' - A New Live Action Half-Life Fan Film, Coming Soon

A new Half-Life Fan Film is in the works, and it looks promising.

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Lights, Camera, Crowbar: 15 Years of Half-Life Multimedia

Half-Life Lights, Camera, Crowbar: 15 Years of Half-Life Multimedia

Today we’re going to take a look back at some of the best, most iconic pieces of film and multimedia inspired by the Half-Life universe. As you may imagine, there has been an amazing amount of fan-created productions over the years. As much as we’d love to cover everything, we could not pack anything near the amount of stuff that exists into a single article (and we would probably burn out all of the content we have been wanting to share in this section for years ahead!). There are probably a lot of things that have been sadly lost or forgotten online too. Anyhow, here is a list of a few of the memorable fan-produced films, machinimas, series and other multimedia created since Half-Life’s release in 1998. Enjoy!

“Escape From City-17 Part 3” Teaser Released, IndieGoGo Campaign Launched

Half-Life “Escape From City-17 Part 3” Teaser Released, IndieGoGo Campaign Launched

Over the years we’ve seen some truly stunning fan-made movies, based on pretty much every major Valve game. Everything from low budget Counter-Strike videos in first person to live action masterpieces like “Portal: Outside Aperture”. One of the more famous ones, when it comes to Half-Life related films, is the Purchase Brothers’ “Escape From City 17”, a guerrilla styled short released back in 2009 as the first of two episodes, both made on a $500 budget.

Now the creators have surprised us, with a teaser for a new episode.

Community Spotlight: Lego Portal 2

Portal Community Spotlight: Lego Portal 2

“Lego Portal 2” is a stop motion animation created by Alex Kobbs of Kooberz Studios.

The animated video depicts various events from Portal 2 and follows Chell, ATLAS and P-body on a fan-influenced adventure through Aperture Science, leading partially into a scene from Half-Life 2 alongside Dr. Freeman and the Combine.

“Lambda Protocol” Live Action Fan Film Series Teased


A while back, a series titled “The Freeman Chronicles” was announced and a fundraiser was started on Indiegogo. It raised close to a third of its $75,000 goal, and donations are still available on the official website. Apart from the “Escape From City-17” shorts, this is probably one of the closest thing we’ve had to a live action Half-Life series. However, less than a month ago, CoolBrosChannel uploaded a teaser for an upcoming project.

Let’s check it out.
