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Thursday, August 25th, 2011

Articles posted during Thursday August 25th 2011

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Trailer To Be Revealed At GTTV


The promo for episode 418 of GameTrailers TV promises big things for Valve fans – as Geoff Keighley will be interviewing Gabe Newell at Gamescom, uncovering some new information on the Portal 2 DLC and Dota 2. But that’s not it! CS: Global Offensive will be revealed in episode 418, with a world premiere trailer, straight from Valve. Let’s hope we’ll get to see some gameplay!

Apparently it’s on “Thursday night at 1:05”. No time zones are mentioned, which makes viewing the episode more challenging and inconvenient than it should be. One of our readers, Pyth, told us that Wikipedia states that GTTV airs in Eastern Time, which means the episode should air in about 8 hours and 45 minutes. I’ll be posting about it, of course, so don’t worry.