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Saturday, August 14th, 2010

Articles posted during Saturday August 14th 2010

Steam Game Releases: August 9-13


Steam news has been slow this week, there’s a new beta and some updates, but nothing huge. In fact, maybe I’ll talk about Irrational or id and the awesome projects they’re working on, but Alex wouldn’t approve. Oh no. He would stand up from his editorial desk in the LambdaGen dirigible, curse the almighty winds (we like to keep our windows open up here), stomp over to my corner cubicle, and slap me across the face. “What about Valve? What about the community? Look at what you’ve done! Is there anything you have created? Can you name even one thing?” he would shout.

Where was I? Oh yeah, the news!  It’s after the jump! You know, that little “more” button over there. Go ahead and click it.

Portal 2 at GamesCom: Doug Opening A Righteous Can of Press Releases


Damn, what a busy week. Big TF2 update suddenly emerges, EP3’s still got nothing, and Valve will make a fantasy game. Yippee.

Remember Portal? That experimental game Valve bundled with the Orange Box? And that sequel they just announced? Yeah, that’s the one, and it’s coming to GamesCom, next week, in Cologne, Germany. More juicy details after that chasm I leave in the path of your speedy browsing.