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Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

Articles posted during Wednesday September 12th 2012

Source Engine 2007’s Source Code Library Leaked


Valve has never freely released the full engine source codebase for the Source engine – not even its direct precursor, the “GoldSource” engine. In fact, they may never do so, and that’s understandable. It’s imperative that Source remain closed-source, due to its uniquely modular nature. It’s a shame, but it’s the way things have to be if we want Valve’s technology to be secure (especially within multiplayer games).

Although as you may remember, back in early October 2003, German black-hat hacker Axel “Ago” Gembe (or as he would thereafter be known: “Osama Bin Leaker“) leaked the source code for Half-Life 2 and the Source engine, just several weeks after the game had received an infamous and indefinite delay a mere 14 days before the game was supposed to be released on the 30th of September. HL2 only dropped one year later, and by that point both the game and Source had been modified fairly extensively. But still, the repercussions of that incident were felt far and wide at the time, and, arguably, they can still be felt even to this day.

But it would appear we now have a similar mess on our hands. Read on!