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Thursday, August 9th, 2012

Articles posted during Thursday August 9th 2012

Black Mesa: Source Takes Community Feedback Surprisingly Seriously


Two days ago, new gameplay footage from Black Mesa: Source’s “On A Rail” was leaked to the Internet. The footage came from a mod build about 4-5 weeks old, but in a testament to the BM:S team’s perseverence and dedication, it appears they will be changing a great deal in the mod, based off community feedback to the leaked video. Read on to find out more!

Steam To Start Selling And Distributing Non-Gaming Software, On 5th September


Back in July, users of the Steam Mobile app quickly noticed a variety of strange software-related genre categories had popped up in the Steam Store. When searched for manually, these ten software categories would automatically redirect you to a currently inexistent Software landing page in the Store.

At the time, these findings fueled speculation that Valve were planning on adding actual software applications to the Steam Store. And as we all know, once the community starts speculating, it never stops. Unless Valve themselves intervene… which they have, in the form of an official announcement! Read on.