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Tuesday, May 15th, 2012

Articles posted during Tuesday May 15th 2012

Podcast 17 To Interview Portal 2 Mapmaker And Employee Of The Moment, Mevious [UPDATED]


[UPDATE: It’s going on right now! Tune in here, and join the Steam chat here!

Some of you might know that, during my spare time, I co-host the tubular Podcast 17. Today, in approximately 3 hours and 20 minutes (4PM PST/7PM EST/0AM GMT; check out the Steam Group announcement for exact scheduling in your area), we’ll be interviewing the one and only Mevious, one of the world’s top Portal level designers (creator of Portal Pro and Rexaura), and currently the Employee of the Moment on Portal 2’s Perpetual Testing Initiative, over at the Steam Workshop. 

Stay tuned to P17’s TwitchTV, as well as P17’s Steam Group, for more info.