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Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

Articles posted during Tuesday April 24th 2012

The Factions And Armies Of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive


CS:GO’s doing far more than just slapping on a new feature or two and calling it a day. It’s going to be a full-scale remake/semi-sequel to Counter-Strike, and whether or not the pro players like it, it’s a damn good game so far. But there’s one thing I’m worried about – the lack of variety in in-game faction skins. Currently, we only have four factions in-game in total, but they’re map-limited, and they don’t really fit with the maps they’ve been placed on, seemingly arbitrarily. Sure – whatever army we may be playing with isn’t the most important thing about the game by far, but it’s still a part of it nonetheless. But don’t worry – it would seem that Valve has some good things in store for anyone who’s been worrying about all that.

Gabe Sez: No New Game Announcements At E3?


Needless to say, most folks have been… a bit excited regarding Valve’s E3 showing. They’ve booked a private press room, just as they did for their previous game announcements and reveals, and they’re talking about a possible big unified PC platform press conference, something completely new for E3. So it makes sense that they might be planning something big. However, there’s been some… developments, so to speak. Let’s take a look.