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We Are The Lambda Generation. LambdaGeneration is a website dedicated to the video game Half-Life. ( We're basically really passionate about crowbars, headcrabs and anyone who has goatee with a PhD in theoretical physics… )

How Opposing Force Dealt with the Expansion Pack Problem

An examination of the strengths of Half-Life's weapon system, and how the Opposing Force expansion pack both compromised and built upon them.

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The Many Meanings of Lambda

Half-Life The Many Meanings of Lambda

The lambda (λ) is an iconic symbol of the Half-Life series, forming part of the logo for all of the games to date, being displayed on the chest of the HEV suit, and signifying the resistance movement in Half-Life 2 and it’s episodes, not to mention being the main logo of a certain Valve fansite.

But what does this logo mean, exactly, outside of Half-Life?

Advantages You Can Gain Using Sprays in Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress

Sprays are fun player-chosen pictures you can post in Team Fortress 2 (or pretty much any other source game). As it would suggest, the character “sprays” them on the wall like they’re graffiti, and to a lot of people they’re treated not much better. However sprays can have some effective (and rather sneaky) uses.

Portal 2 Media

Portal Portal 2 Media

Since yours truly is a contributor on the Portal Puzzle Wiki, I’ve decided to use my unique expertise to make a post dedicated completely to Portal 2 media! This stuff will save you till 2011, lads. Hit it after the jump to see all the goodies we’ve got. Enjoy.

Analyzing New Steam Account Phishing


Phishing isn’t new, and certainly not for Steam accounts. While Steam Guard has been an integral defence since the last major Steam Community upgrade, it still isn’t enough. We take a look at a new method of circumventing Steam Guard and how attackers can gain access to your account.

The Failure of the Half-Life Episodes

Half-Life The Failure of the Half-Life Episodes

This is an original editorial piece created by Mimaz. It is the first in a series of editorials that we like to call “The Half-Life Dissertation”, which will aim to extensively cover a wide range of Half-Life related topics and issues.

Valve are looking down the rabbit hole.

What Makes a Free-to-Play Game Successful?

Gaming Industry What Makes a Free-to-Play Game Successful?

This is an editorial by Aabicus which analyses the successfulness of free-to-play games in the gaming industry with relation to Team Fortress 2. All views expressed here are his own.

The Free-to-play model is the current trend in multiplayer online games at the moment, most frequently seen in MMOs, MOBAs and shooters. Since several high-profile games (including Team Fortress 2) proved the model worked, the gaming industry have seen a staggering amount of F2P releases, some of whom keep their revenue-enhancing devices subtle and others who make real-world money the most valuable resource a player can have.
