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We Are The Lambda Generation. LambdaGeneration is a website dedicated to the video game Half-Life. ( We're basically really passionate about crowbars, headcrabs and anyone who has goatee with a PhD in theoretical physics… )

Explore the Year 3000 in New Half-Life 2 Mod 'From Earth'

From Earth is a new sci-fi themed Source engine modification. The game recently came out on Steam as a free mod for Half-Life 2, and so far, it has received a positive response from the community.

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Black Mesa’s Gift on Half Life’s Anniversary Is That It’s Going Retail!

Half-Life Black Mesa’s Gift on Half Life’s Anniversary Is That It’s Going Retail!

Update: According to Deniz Sezen on the Black Mesa forums, the rumors about Black Mesa being ported to Source 2 are false: “Just to dispel a large rumor (and I know I’ll be viewed as the grinch that stole christmas): We are NOT on Source 2. It wouldn’t make sense for a company to license tech they haven’t proven yet with a released title to a mod team. Our [visual] however, WILL be improved. Don’t get me wrong though, we’d love a Source 2 license but our fans would be waiting another 9 years if we had to port again.”

Can’t say I didn’t warn ya.

Since I am sure many of you will have mixed feelings about the news mentioned in the title, I just want to make it clear right out of the gate that an updated Black Mesa will still be available for free and will be supported!!! Now, onto the details…

What Makes a Good Mod? Simple Answer…Fun!

Source What Makes a Good Mod? Simple Answer…Fun!

My name is Jim Partridge and I’m a modder primarily for Half-Life 2. My previous work includes Half-Life 2: Deep Down, Half-Life 2: Daylight and numerous PlanetPhillip competition entries. I decided to join LambdaGeneration this year as a contributor for the site’s Modding & Development section. My primary interest is in level design with a focus on gameplay, I’m a gameplay nerd in fact… Join me in my nerdiness!

New Team Fortress 2 Racing Mod ‘TF2Kart’ Released

Team Fortress

Did Scream Fortress’ bumper cars get you yearning for more Team Fortress karting madness?

“InstantMuffin” from GotSticed, developer of PropHunt TNG and Arena 2.0, has released a new TF2 mod, which is all about racing up to 15 other players in frantic laps around a custom track. There are pickups which allow you to drop bananas, fire rockets at your foe or give yourself a speed boost, among other powerups. I like to time my speed boost right before a huge jump and see how much air time I can clock.
