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Saturday, August 11th, 2012

Articles posted during Saturday August 11th 2012

Podcast 17 To Interview GoldenEye: Source Later Today


Today, at 7PM GMT/8PM BST (in 1 hour and 30 minutes, as a matter of fact), part of the Podcast 17 crew (myself included) will be interviewing Enzo, Major, and Emilia of the GoldenEye: Source development team (in case you didn’t get the memo, version 4.2 of GE:S was released earlier this month).

In other news, episode #200 will be recorded two hours after that, at 9PM GMT/10PM BST. It’s important for two really important reasons: the first being that it may very well be the biggest episode we’ve ever done. Really. Discussing Source 2 alone is worth like… 50 episodes.

The second reason is that we’re introducing a new co-host along with it: Mimaz, whom you might recognize as one of the co-hosts of the defunct Steamcast podcast, and one of my colleagues here at LambdaGen (he is, of course, the creator of the upcoming Half-Life Dissertation).

He used to post regularly on the Steam forums (where he would scare everyone into submission with copious amounts of impressive Half-Life knowledge and trivia), and he is a very good friend of mine. Also, he’s Australian. So listen in, if you know what’s good for you.