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Tuesday, July 24th, 2012

Articles posted during Tuesday July 24th 2012

Podcast 17 Starts New Experimental Discussion Format


As you may or may not know, whenever I’m not writing for… the website we’re on right now, I also co-host Podcast 17, a weekly audio show focusing on all things related to Valve and the Valve community. Since William, P17’s founder, is currently taking a short break from the show itself (he’s been working on it for nearly 4 years, so it’s fairly understandable), the P17 staff are currently experimenting with a new, more discussion-focused format that we’ve just introduced.

This format will make for longer, more insightful and in-depth discussions regarding various topics. Which means instead of us you listening to us describing pictures and reading headlines, under this new format you’ll get to listen to us yell at each other about video games, but with some surprisingly interesting discourse and commentary all throughout.

In fact, the first episode using this new discussion format, Episode #197, was just released earlier today (and if I may say so myself, it’s pretty damn awesome). And to herald this new format, Podcast 17 has gotten itself a very fancy new logo (as seen in this very article’s feature image), which was actually created by Alex, our very own admin and lead designer!

So why am I telling you about this, you ask? Well, this new format runs on one thing: discussion topics. And that’s where you come in! If you’ve got an idea for a discussion topic that’d fit in this new format, and if you’d like to hear us talk about it, then send that topic in, here!

But we’re also receiving submissions for Podcast 17 sidecasts! So if you’re interested in hosting your very own audio show, under the P17 umbrella (serious applications/inquiries only), contact P17’s PR manager at “[email protected]“.