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Friday, February 24th, 2012

Articles posted during Friday February 24th 2012

CS: Global Offensive Beta Application Survey Now Available


Aspiring CS:GO beta testers – you need participate in shady giveaways no longer, as Valve have just opened up their online application survey to all willing participants. Over the coming weeks and months, they’ll be selecting survey participants and adding them to the beta. Veterans, newbies – all players alike will have roughly the same chances to get selected (a great improvement over Dota 2’s selection process). Next week will bring the first major participant selection, so head over to the survey and fill it out! Be sure to also check out the original blog post for more information.

And in other news, Valve have offloaded a brand new “Meet the Pros” video (featuring the great Jordan “n0thing” Gilbert), as well as a quick video introduction to CS:GO’s new M4. New content is incoming, so keep an eye on that blog!