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Sunday, July 31st, 2011

Articles posted during Sunday July 31st 2011

Dino D-Day Having Free Weekend


Dino D-Day, like many others, was once a mod before being a full standalone Source title. Released officially earlier this year, Dino D-Day didn’t garner much attention. But now, coming alongside the T-Rex Update (which should also bring a Dino D-Day SDK) is a free weekend for Dino D-Day, which also brings a 50% sale for the game.

At the moment, there are a good 30 hours left in the event, so you’ve got some time to try the game out, and decide on a possible purchase. We here at LambdaGeneration are great fans of good dinosaur-killing fun, which Dino D-Day most certainly delivers. It’s a great title, featuring some of the most fun I’ve ever had in an FPS. There’s some pretty bad balancing issues, but the game really is a lot of fun. Be sure to try it out.