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Thursday, December 9th, 2010

Articles posted during Thursday December 9th 2010

Half-Life 2: Wars – Beta 1.0 Is Out At Last!


“Half-Life 2: Wars”, an RTS mod for Source set in the HL2 universe, first popped up in November 2007 as Beta 0.1. The last release was Beta 0.5, back in July 2008, and since then, we’ve only caught a few glimpses of a future release.

It’s finally here, as Beta 1.0, now featuring multiplayer!

Half-Life 2: Short Stories Team Announces “Water”


The awesome modders from the Half-Life 2: Short Stories Team are known for “Human Error”, an excellent episodic mod that puts the player in the shoes (well, more like high-tech 2020’s augmented-by-aliens combat boots) of a Civil Protection officer. The first episode dropped in the beginning of the year, and the team also released their awesome “Human Error: Traitor” multiplayer component earlier this year, but since then what have they been up to?