Ronald Hamrák

Ronald Hamrák


I'm an actor and a voice actor known for my Overwatch Announcer impressions in Half-Life 2 mods, I also voice Simmons in Black Mesa: Blue Shift and I'm the host of The VŌC Podcast.
Joined 8 Jun 2021
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We're back with a BRAND NEW interview, this time it's with professional voice actor and casting director Michael Schwalbe whom our fans may best know as the voice of the Combine Charger (Wallhammer) in Half-Life: Alyx and or the voice of the iconic Kawaki from Boruto: Naruto Next Generation! 🏅🕹 Furthermore, Michael reflects on his experiences voicing both heroes and villains, Michael reveals the intricacies of finding the right tone and nuance to captivate audiences across different mediums. …


I've had an amazing time discussing my acting and podcasting career on the Pixel Fabula podcast! If you're interested in how I got started, this is the right time to find out!

Recently this mod for Sven-Coop called Haunted Souls got released where I voiced an evil scientist, I've played it through with a friend and we both agreed that it's one of the BEST mods out there. From what I understand it's not fully finished yet, so there will be more continuations to this, but for now, Chapter A and B are released and ready to be played by YOU!

The mod map-pack adds a variety of custom enemies and reskins of models from either previous great HL1 mods and or custom created stuff!

I'll be glad if you'll check it out!
Recently this mod for Sven-Coop called Haunted Souls got released where I voiced an evil scientist, I've played it through with a friend and we both agreed that it's one of the BEST mods out there. From what I understand it's not fully finished yet, so there will be more continuations to this, but for now, Chapter A and B are released and ready to be played by YOU!

The mod map-pack adds a variety of custom enemies and reskins of models from either previous great HL1 mods and or custom created stuff!

I'll be glad if you'll check it out!
Recently this mod for Sven-Coop called Haunted Souls got released where I voiced an evil scientist, I've played it through with a friend and we both agreed that it's one of the BEST mods out there. From what I understand it's not fully finished yet, so there will be more continuations to this, but for now, Chapter A and B are released and ready to be played by YOU!

The mod map-pack adds a variety of custom enemies and reskins of models from either previous great HL1 mods and or custom created stuff!

I'll be glad if you'll check it out!

Recently this mod for Sven-Coop called Haunted Souls got released where I voiced an evil scientist, I've played it through with a friend and we both agreed that it's one of the BEST mods out there. From what I understand it's not fully finished yet, so there will be more continuations to this, but for now, Chapter A and B are released and ready to be played by YOU!… The mod map-pack adds a variety of custom enemies and reskins of models from either …

I've had the huge opportunity to interview the mastermind behind Left 4 Dead and The Anacrusis - Chet Faliszek! Absolute video-game legend! I'd be thankful if you'd give it a listen!
