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Is Dark Interval still being worked on? The last update was in December. I'm pretty sure it's still active, just they're taking their time, but I don't have anything concrete telling me that so if anyone knows please tell me


How has Half Life 2 not gotten a Black Mesa level remake yet? It would be so much easier than remaking Half Life 1, considering the level design doesn’t have to change too drastically? Half Life 2 RTX is going to be a great visual overhaul, but that’s not really what I mean by remake.

Finished up the Half Life Alyx part of the map, but I’m wondering, should I do the HL2 canal maps to Joe they would be laid out in hammer, or should I do them based on where they appear in relation to the Citadel? If it’s based on the hammer layout, it’ll continue straight down, if it’s the Citadel layout, it’ll randomly wind up being West of the Quarantine Zone

Finished up the Half Life Alyx part of the map, but I’m wondering, should I do the HL2 canal maps to Joe they would be laid out in hammer, or should I do them based on where they appear in relation to the Citadel? If it’s based on the hammer layout, it’ll continue straight down, if it’s the Citadel layout, it’ll randomly wind up being West of the Quarantine Zone


Sometimes I do playthroughs of Black Mesa or Half Life 2 without the soundtrack so I can see (or really hear) what it would be like for Gordon to go through this, except for Black Mesa's Xen. It's too good to skip.


Imagine a story line where Shephard kills Freeman in the Lambda Labs, or better yet, Freeman and Shephard switch portals… might do something with this idea

City 17 Project I’m working on. Also big important thing: it actually fits HLA’s map with HL2’s. Read the comments for extra info. Will finish sometime soon.

Edit: making really good progress. Maybe will be finished by the end of the weekend?

City 17 Project I’m working on. Also big important thing: it actually fits HLA’s map with HL2’s. Read the comments for extra info. Will finish sometime soon. Edit: making really good progress. Maybe will be finished by the end of the weekend?

Assuming the Nihilanth isn’t a one-off creature and does have other beings like it in existence, I think it’s possible that the other Nihilanths were used by the Combine for local teleportation.

Assuming the Nihilanth isn’t a one-off creature and does have other beings like it in existence, I think it’s possible that the other Nihilanths were used by the Combine for local teleportation.

Adrian Shepherd after “cleansing” the facility of Race X vermin

(More muscle work, don’t like this one as much tbh)

Adrian Shepherd after “cleansing” the facility of Race X vermin (More muscle work, don’t like this one as much tbh)
