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Articles related to Valve

Fanart Friday #003


It’s Friday! It’s… something doesn’t feel right. Yes, it’s Saturday. It is with my sincerest apologies that I deliver the Fanart Friday article late. But then again maybe you’re reading this through the archive and want to just get to the Fanart…   then with no further delay I present to you Fanart Friday #003:Saturday Special Edition!

Don’t Look Now, but Valve May Have Just Filed a Trademark for Half-Life 3


Update: Due to a loophole with JIRA and Google Cache, people were once again able to access Valve’s project tracker. NeoGAF user ekim managed to snap some pictures of the tracker before it was closed, showing that the Half-Life 3 group have increased in members (to a total of 46), and reveals a new group called Half-Life 3 Core, with only 10 members.

Update 2: The trademark has been removed, and we can safely assume the whole thing was a fake. As fellow writer Dhel says, there is no trademark for either Half-Life 2 nor Left 4 Dead, which further fuels the assumption.
But hey, at least we got some delicious hype out of it, didn’t we?

It hasn’t been long since the leak of the internal changelog at Valve, which confirmed the existence of Source 2 and Left 4 Dead 3.

Ignoring the leak however, we’ve gone long without any news on both Ricochet 2 and Half-Life 3 (the former which I’m personally more excited for). Well, it’s time to quench some of your thirst for news!

Steamcast: The podcast about all things Valve is back!


Over a year has passed since the community-founded Valve-centric podcast, Steamcast, closed down. However during August this year, a countdown clock appeared on a sub-directory of the website with the title ‘2013’.

Steamcast was originally founded back in 2009 with the aim of supporting the Valve community by offering frequent and direct participation with listeners, however in 2012 the podcast closed indefinitely.

Valve Announces SteamOS, Steam Machines and Steam Controller


This week Valve introduced us to a trio of living room orientated products that will be entering the Steam Universe in 2014.

The announcements took place as a series of countdowns which occurred on rather peculiar and cryptic webpage on the Steam Store. The page, titled as The Steam Universe Will be Expanding in 2014, presented three small circles which individually became available on Monday, Wednesday and Friday respectively.

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