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Articles related to Team Fortress 2

New Team Fortress 2 Racing Mod ‘TF2Kart’ Released

Team Fortress

Did Scream Fortress’ bumper cars get you yearning for more Team Fortress karting madness?

“InstantMuffin” from GotSticed, developer of PropHunt TNG and Arena 2.0, has released a new TF2 mod, which is all about racing up to 15 other players in frantic laps around a custom track. There are pickups which allow you to drop bananas, fire rockets at your foe or give yourself a speed boost, among other powerups. I like to time my speed boost right before a huge jump and see how much air time I can clock.

XboxAhoy’s Excellent Half-Life Retrospective


The popular “XboxAhoy” YouTube channel, which is a member of the gaming network, just uploaded an excellent retrospective video analysis that explores Valve’s success with the original Half-Life.

Written by Stuart Brown, the video analysis highlights the early influences of Half-Life, such as Quake as well as the affect that Half-Life’s release had upon the FPS in genre, including the modding scene as well as Valve’s later developments with Team Fortress, Steam and the Source engine.

If you have a spare 20 minuets, it’s well worth a watch!

5 Reasons You Should Bind a Key to Suicide in TF2

Team Fortress

Dying is almost always a bad thing in Team Fortress 2 (indeed, most shooters). You aren’t helping your team while dead, you aren’t having fun while dead, and a good many unlocks are dedicated to keeping the player or his teammates alive. Trying not to die is, for the most part, a pretty good strategy and you’ll go far with it.

US Propaganda – From TF2?

Team Fortress

With what’s happening in Eastern Europe now, each side claims that the other is spinning the truth. However, the most recent development is that Russian state media claims that the US has, and continues to spread propaganda.

What Makes a Free-to-Play Game Successful?

Gaming Industry

This is an editorial by Aabicus which analyses the successfulness of free-to-play games in the gaming industry with relation to Team Fortress 2. All views expressed here are his own.

The Free-to-play model is the current trend in multiplayer online games at the moment, most frequently seen in MMOs, MOBAs and shooters. Since several high-profile games (including Team Fortress 2) proved the model worked, the gaming industry have seen a staggering amount of F2P releases, some of whom keep their revenue-enhancing devices subtle and others who make real-world money the most valuable resource a player can have.

Four Things Valve Didn’t Intend for the Sandman to Do

Team Fortress

When the Sandman debuted during the Scout Update, Valve broke new ground regarding ranged melee weapons. Not since the Direct Hit has Team Fortress 2 been given a more spammable immediate-range weapon that crits like crazy, since the Sandman’s baseball shares the bat’s increased melee crit chance.

However, perhaps because of it’s unusual design, there have been a number of bizarre exploits associated with this weapon over the years and a few of these are still in the game today.

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