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Articles tagged with 'rebels'

Fanart Friday #003


It’s Friday! It’s… something doesn’t feel right. Yes, it’s Saturday. It is with my sincerest apologies that I deliver the Fanart Friday article late. But then again maybe you’re reading this through the archive and want to just get to the Fanart…   then with no further delay I present to you Fanart Friday #003:Saturday Special Edition!

Vae Victis – Machinima Series


“Vae Victis” (Latin for “Woe to the Vanquished”) is a 2009 machinima series created by Eddie Smithson and published by Machinima. Vae Victis is well written and features a fairly equal mix of action and storytelling. With great filming and effects, but a disappointing ending, Vae Victis is still definitely worth checking out. More info and the videos after the jump.