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We Are The Lambda Generation. LambdaGeneration is a website dedicated to the video game Half-Life. ( We're basically really passionate about crowbars, headcrabs and anyone who has goatee with a PhD in theoretical physics… )


'Podcast 17'

Articles tagged with 'Podcast 17'

Steamcast: The podcast about all things Valve is back!


Over a year has passed since the community-founded Valve-centric podcast, Steamcast, closed down. However during August this year, a countdown clock appeared on a sub-directory of the website with the title ‘2013’.

Steamcast was originally founded back in 2009 with the aim of supporting the Valve community by offering frequent and direct participation with listeners, however in 2012 the podcast closed indefinitely.

We Heart You Phillip Marlowe


Back on June 27, Phillip Marlowe wrote an article thanking William McMahon for all his work on Podcast 17 and in the Half-Life community. He spoke of his dedication and love for the game and the people who play it , and it was an extremely thoughtful thing for Phillip to do.

Phillip runs his own website, PlanetPhillip, where he reviews mods and maps for the Half-Life and Portal games along with providing download mirrors and forums. He doesn’t plaster his sites with ads nor demand attention to himself, something that we here at Lambda Generation love to do.

What is LambdaGeneration?


Hello everyone and welcome to this brand new website! So you maybe asking, what is LambdaGeneration?

Well, it is simply a community based website which is focused on news, creations and multimedia produced in the Valve community…basically anything related to the Half-Life Universe. We have community connections with other sites like PlanetPhillip and Podcast17 too.

New content will be posted daily and we hope people will enjoy reading everything. Make sure to join our public Steam group and follow us on Twitter for updates.

If you are interested in being a writer, send us an email and tell us a little about yourself.