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End of the Line is Here!

News & Rumors Team Fortress
End of the Line is Here!

End of the Line is the second fully community-created update for Team Fortress 2. Helmed by James McVee, one of the pre-eminent Source Filmmaker directors, this update comes with new cosmetics, a key to unlock those EotL crates that have been dropping for some time, a mysterious duck birdemic, and the 14-minute eponymous video!

Sadly, it does not come with cp_snowplow; the map was cut at the last minute because Valve thought it was too confusing for new players. But as a community-created update, End of the Line is a great sign. Valve has expressed their interest in working with the community to keep updates coming even as Valve finds themselves increasingly distracted with newer IPs like Dota 2. Not to mention we’re likely going to get a Smissmas update before the year is out, there look to be good things on the horizon.

Check out the update for yourself!


  1. That video was pure awesomeness.

  2. Am I the only one who is a bit disappointed with the EotL…? Not even with the lack of weapons or maps, but with the short itself? The trailer raised the bar so high, I don’t even know what I expected myself.

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