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L4D: January 28th Update

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A new Mutation.

L4D: January 28th Update

Next up is the new Mutation: Nightmare!

You’ll never see them coming!

This Survival Mutation was inspired by Karma Jockey. There are commons, plenty of beefed up Specials, no glows, and lots and lots of fog. If you like to be scared by things that jump out at you from the night, this one is for you.

We’ve tried it out, and it’s quite a challenge!

What about last week’s poll results, you ask?

This week’s new Mutation should make it clear how people voted in the previous poll. 46% of the votes were for a new community Mutation this week. 29% voted for an Encore Mutation. 24% of the voters were undecided, confused, or both. We will still occasionally have an Encore Mutation, but this week – a new Mutation.

Good to hear, but we’d like to see more Valve mutations in the future.

As for this week’s poll?

Vote Kicking
Do you vote kick? Why do you vote kick? If you do vote kick, pick the most common reason when answering this week’s in-game poll.

Interesting question!

That’s about it for this week.

1 Comment

  1. Nightmare is the sh*t if you enjoy high-fiving Tanks.


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