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James Benson’s Half-Life Trailer

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James Benson is an animator who’s previously worked at Lionhead Studios, known for the Fable franchise. Over here, he’s known for being the creator of Dance Fortress 2 and a great Half-Life first person animation demo.

He’s done another Half-Life first person animation… except this one’s much more ambitious!

James Benson’s Half-Life Trailer

Yes, despite the average-sounding name, this is not your run-of-the-mill trailer. James has taken some of the more well-known scripted sequences from the original Half-Life, and practically transformed them! The result is nothing short of stunning, as first-person animation techniques work to have Gordon swing his beloved crowbar in ways you haven’t seen in a Half-Life game before, crawl about through vents, and he even manages to lose his glasses at one point. Even Black Mesa’s machinery is given new life, as the Anti-Mass Spectrometer buckles about realistically. There’s also some great animation on the various characters.

The only problem is that the animation work can sometimes look a bit too… jiggly, and we would have definitely loved to see more scenes, especially some stuff from Surface Tension. James says this trailer is only 20% of what he really wanted in, both in terms of quality and scope. Sure, some stuff is missing, but if this is what James calls 20%, then we can’t imagine what 100% would be like!

And it was created in a mere 6 weeks! Check the video out below.

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  1. Oh wow, the game would be even more amazing if you could play like that! I hope that, one day, he doing a Video with Half Life 2! With scenes like Alyx is tripping and lands in gordons arms, or stuff *hihi*.

  2. He has done it once again! Supurb.

  3. Yeah this is one epic video

  4. this is BADASS, cant wait to watch it

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