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Hype Machine: Mod News Summary #1

News & Rumors Other

Some of this news is extremely old, but it’s been piling up and I felt that it deserved recognition.

The offices here at Lambda Generation aren’t exactly on par with your regular cubicle complex – or public restroom, honestly. The recent roof accident and my dirigible… antics didn’t exactly help.

Hype Machine: Mod News Summary #1

In my defense, I was only texting with one hand when I was flying, but nonetheless, the behemoth of a balloon just had to crash.

Vic has been hyping up this article longer than Episode 3 and Duke Nukem Forever combined, so I’d like to apologize for any let-downs, disappointments, and kittens stuck in trees.

Pirates, Vikings and Knights II

A new game mode dubbed “trinket wars” where you must protect your team’s trinket carrier. Expect close-up bloody fights. Followers of the mod will recognize this as the not-so-forgotten Holy Grail mode (Indiana Jones quotes remain unconfirmed).

Mist of Stagnation

They’re awfully excited about the new hatches and there’s some catchy music.

The Stargate Mod

The team show off their “dialing” and teleportation system. I assume that the stone slab with magical lights triggers different places to teleport to, but I know about as much about Stargate as I do kangaroo fighting (Vic is the office expert on that).

Modern Warfare: Source

Plenty to show off in this patch including weapon loadouts, and it’s honestly surprising to see a based-on-a-game mod doing well. There’s already lots of other features implemented, like sprinting and shanking, but hopefully the team takes some creative liberty. Anti-copyright infringement fingers crossed.

Resistance and Liberation

New models, new maps, and team members. The RnL team is still working on the Orange Box port and you can expect to see the gorgeous rnl_falaise in the beta.

Iron Horizon

They’ve got an interesting artstyle some steampunk models to show off along with some pretty maps. Mmmm….. untextured fish…..

The Rising

There’s some talk about an upgrade system and plenty of awesome weapon models. I really want to stab a zombie in the face with that bayonet.


The full version was released. Looks great and I still have to try it out.


Wow. From the screenshots and trailer, this mod’s combat is reminiscent of Call of Duty, and the graphics are almost too good to be in Source. Assuming this isn’t some sort of hoax or runs at 4 FPS, I can’t wait to get my hands on it.

Image credit: Underhell Mod Team.

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