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Freeman’s Days – Trailer

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There’s more Half-Life fanfilms these days than you could shake a hundred sticks at.

But hey, more is better. Right?

Freeman’s Days – Trailer

Freeman’s Days is yet another Half-Life fanfilm series. At least we’re assuming it’s a series, since the recently released trailer is for “Freeman’s Days: Day One”.

Looks pretty interesting.

Seems to be a fanfilm adaptation and retelling of Half-Life 2, although some parts take place in Half-Life 1.

The CGI is great, as are the costumes, although we found the absence of the Citizens’ signature prison-like outfits kinda disappointing. The actors seem to be also doing a great job.

They also did a video featuring some of the pictures they took during filming:

You can find the Picasa gallery featuring all of these pictures here.

They’ve got more videos on their channel, but we can’t really make any sense of them because they’re done entirely in funny letters.

Same thing for their official blog. I hope you have a Babelfish handy, because it is also entirely in funny letters. Still, check it out here.

Looks like a promising project. We’re looking forward to seeing more from the team.


  1. That’s epic!!

  2. Hello, here is interview with Freeman’s Day authors, (on a russian lang) use some translate engine to read this, very impressive

  3. Looks awesome.

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