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Articles tagged with 'Citadel'

Jack “Gauss” Monahan’s “Valve Portfolio”: Fantastical Visions Of The Half-Life Continuum


To call Jack “Gauss” Monahan a mapper or a modeller would be doing him and his skillset a grave injustice. He’s an artist, a game designer, and I can only assume, a few others. He occasionally posts his thoughts on his blog, Gausswerks: Design Reboot (as well as the Gausswerks forums), and his very own Twitter. Back in 2009, he served as the level design lead for the time-travelling cult hit Darkest of Days, and at the moment he’s cranking away on Animal Memory, an indie shooter of his own design, built on the Unreal engine.

He’s also a Valve enthusiast. He once did an excellent dissection of Left 4 Dead and TF2’s character designs, and long ago he created a delightful little design reboot of Half-Life, titled: “Doctor Ivan Just Won’t Die”. But we’re going to take a look at something he once cooked up way back in 2005 – a gallery of artwork and game designs based on the Half-Life 2 universe. These constitute his early “Valve Portfolio”, which represented a section of a larger job application he sent to Valve.

As you can tell from the enticing feature image, it looks really good. Well, let’s take a closer look, shall we?

City 17 – Fanfilm


“City 17” is a 2005 fan film made by Funatic Films. Shot entirely on location in Cologne, Germany with a Canon XL1 DV camera, this fan film features no CG effects other than the HL2 creatures and, of course, the Citadel. Video after the jump.

This particular version of it is the 2007 remake, featuring improved effects and additional CG clips.

“City 17” tells the story of a young citizen wandering a city that’s… changed. He will soon find himself confronted by numerous strange creatures and machines.

One of the first major HL-related videos, “City 17” is the original HL fan film. With great effects, awesome filming and an interesting storyline, it’s definitely worth checking out.

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