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News Roundup #30

News & Rumors Other

Why, yes. Number 30!

News Roundup #30

Forbes Profiles Gabe Newell

Yes, Valve is that profitable.

Think of all the things they could do with that money.

Gabe Does A 40-Minute Video Conference… With A High School Marketing Class

Well, yes, they could do 40 minute video conferences with high school classes, but think bigger!

PlanetPhillip’s RooftopVille is Out!

Apart from actually constructing all of the elaborate vistas seen in RooftopVille.

Portal 2 – More Previews, Videos, And Details About Steam On PS3

Perhaps they’d release more Portal 2 trailers, which is something we’d actually like to cover.

Valve Talks About Chell’s New Look

They might also release a clothing line for these fancy orange Aperture jump suits!

On A Side Note

Phillip, over at PlanetPhillip, has some positions available at the site. If you are:

– a video editor and can help create some small intro and help videos,

-if you speak other languages and can help Phillip translate his “Welcome” video message to whatever language it is you speak,

-if you can create machinima, that is, a few relatively small and somewhat short machinima videos,

– a composer who can create intro and outro tracks for Phillip’s PP Discussion Podcast, his as-of-yet unannounced quiz podcast and his regular audio interviews,

– a graphic designer or artist who can help work on Recommendation Images and a new site theme,

– a poster who will help post single-player maps for a new, also as-of-yet unannounced project that will focus on single-player maps,

– a TF2 addict and aspiring webmaster who will help work on, as well as take the project forward. Phillip is also looking for help on a… you guessed it, unannounced TF2 website project.

If you have any one of these skills, head over here to find out how you can help.

In addition, there’s a small Chip-In event going on at PlanetPhillip. If you have some money and are willing to contribute to the site’s hosting costs and all other site-related expenses, that would be pretty great, as we really don’t want to lose PlanetPhillip any time soon. More details here.

And, Finally

And I’m back to using “And, Finally”. I don’t know, it has such a great ring to it.

Let me know what you prefer: “And, Finally” or “Final Sequence”.

In any case, thanks for reading, as always, and see you next week!

– Feature image taken from “City 17: Episode One”

1 Comment

  1. Final Sequence

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