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Community Spotlight: Lego Portal 2

Multimedia & Film Portal

“Lego Portal 2” is a stop motion animation created by Alex Kobbs of Kooberz Studios.

The animated video depicts various events from Portal 2 and follows Chell, ATLAS and P-body on a fan-influenced adventure through Aperture Science, leading partially into a scene from Half-Life 2 alongside Dr. Freeman and the Combine.

The video was published to the YouTube Channel at the end of 2012 as part of the Machinima Interactive Film Festival. The title states that this is the first of two parts, however to date the second part has not been uploaded, although it is anticipated that it maybe in the making.

The Portal 2 Logo made in Lego!

The Portal 2 Logo made in Lego!

Although only a short 5 minute video, the quality, precision and direction of the animation is extremely professional and near to something you’d expect from a commercial animation studio.

Alex has also created several Portal themed Lego tutorials showing you how to make props such as the Portal Gun and even GLaDOS:

In addition he made some further tutorials on building Half-Life themed lego props:

So if you are interested in creating any Valve themed Lego animations yourself then be sure to check out his videos as they might come in handy!

If you want to see more of his videos, check out Kooberz Studios on YouTube, you can also find various still shots from his work on Flickr.

Previous Community Spotlight: Focalpoint by Dimitri Vujicic

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