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We Are The Lambda Generation. LambdaGeneration is a website dedicated to the video game Half-Life. ( We're basically really passionate about crowbars, headcrabs and anyone who has goatee with a PhD in theoretical physics… )

Articles related to Half-Life

We Heart You Phillip Marlowe


Back on June 27, Phillip Marlowe wrote an article thanking William McMahon for all his work on Podcast 17 and in the Half-Life community. He spoke of his dedication and love for the game and the people who play it , and it was an extremely thoughtful thing for Phillip to do.

Phillip runs his own website, PlanetPhillip, where he reviews mods and maps for the Half-Life and Portal games along with providing download mirrors and forums. He doesn’t plaster his sites with ads nor demand attention to himself, something that we here at Lambda Generation love to do.

Half-Life: Uplink (1999 Movie by Cruise Control)


For years, we have entertained ourselves with thoughts of a Half-Life movie. However, time and time again, Gabe Newell has told us that he will protect his property fiercely, and until he gets a good movie script, a film will not be made.

Behind this lies a dark secret. A veeeeeeery dark secret.
Hit the jump to find out about that veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery dark secret.

Rare Russian/Ukrainian HL2 Leak Bubblegum


The 2003 Half-Life 2 leak caused ripples in not only the community, but the world as a whole. It shaped our community into what it is today, yadda yadda, and more importantly, it allowed the creation of the world’s first Half-Life bubblegum.

Using content and screenshots from the leak itself on its packaging, this Russian/Ukrainian bubblegum seems to have been created sometime in early-mid 2004. Check out a community-made video showing its ground-breaking opening, after the jump.

The Resistance Bulletin – Special Report



Hello and welcome to the Resistance Bulletin. I’m your same old news editor and part-time refugee, Vic, reporting from the inside of an abandoned coastal house just outside of City 17, in mortal fear of a Combine patrol which has stopped nearby.

Excuse if my writing is poor, but I have been forced to drink from the polluted seawater nearby, and some discarded cans of Private Reserve. I can feel my brain cells slowly dying.

Very Early Blue Shift Trailer


This trailer, created as a teaser for the Dreamcast port of HL1, which would have featured Blue Shift as a small side mission, is very interesting.

Note the lack of any HD (or Medium Definition, as the Dreamcast models are called) models, the yellow HUD, the flashlight weapon, and most of the footage is taken from HL1 maps. Weird. Still, the later Blue Shift trailer is directly based off it. Check it out after the jump.

The Many Faces of Half-Life: Uplink


The original Half-Life’s hype train first started rolling when an early demo of the first few chapters of the game, known as “Half-Life: Day One”, only meant for distribution with graphics cards, was leaked to the internet.

Immediately, gamers got fired up, and eventually, the game was released in November 1998.

However, there is another demo, an official one this time, not too many people remember. Released after the official game, Half-Life: Uplink is an underrated demo featuring some great levels that didn’t make it in the final game.

“We hate to make you wait. But…” – Valve


In a recent interview published by Valve Software’s VP of Marketing Doug Lombardi stated:

“We hate to make you wait. But we have no announcements regarding Mr. Freeman or his ongoing adventures at this time”

This is unsettling news  to hear almost three years after the release of Half-Life 2: Episode Two. Looking at this news from a positive perspective, Doug didn’t mention ‘Episode Three’; could this mean that the next Half-Life installment is going to be a larger adventure than previously planned?

Either way, it’s not like Valve’s secrecy is a surprise to anyone anymore…

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