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We Are The Lambda Generation. LambdaGeneration is a website dedicated to the video game Half-Life. ( We're basically really passionate about crowbars, headcrabs and anyone who has goatee with a PhD in theoretical physics… )

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Black Mesa Multiplayer Maps Leaked?


Update: It appears that the Black Mesa Workshop is now publicly live and a new map ‘dm_tension’ has also been added. Earlier this week we also saw a strange countdown appear on the Black Mesa website, could this be part of whatever they are about to announce?

Several multiplayer levels from the popular Black Mesa modification may have just been leaked thanks to a glitch on the Steam Workshop.

Revisit City 17 Like Never Before with ‘Half-Life 2: Update’, Coming Free to Steam on March 27th


A little over four years ago, we wrote an article to announce that version 2.0 of a little community-made ‘mod’ going by the name ‘Half Life 2: Update‘ had been released in response to Valve’s infamous 2010 Mac update that brought a weak implementation of HDR (High Dynamic Range) to Half Life 2 and an insane number of crippling bugs.

Half Life 2: Update fixed many of those bugs – unofficially – and enhanced many of the HDR effects in the vanilla game and just today, the lead developer Filip Victor has announced that the third and final iteration will be released for free on Steam this Friday, March 27th.

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