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We Are The Lambda Generation. LambdaGeneration is a website dedicated to the video game Half-Life. ( We're basically really passionate about crowbars, headcrabs and anyone who has goatee with a PhD in theoretical physics… )




Articles by Pinky

Yarr! Steam Be Soon Available in Pirate Speak


Sometimes ’tis hard fer international swabbies t’ find the’r way around on English websites, which be why services like Google Translate be havin’ come into existence. Valve be doin’ the’r part t’ make Steam more accessible t’ them without much knowledge o’ th’ English language by translatin’ the’r services into various languages, includin’ Seafarin’ hearty (Pirates).

Th’ Steam Translation page shows th’ progress o’ translatin’ th’ service into different languages, an’ one that stuck ou’ be “Seafarin’ hearty.” I`ve got nay idee what ‘t means, so either Valve really be caterin’ t’ a new, untapped audience, or they’s jus’ trollin’ us like usual. Whaterethe cause, I love ‘t.

If ye be havin` trouble talkin` wi` sea dogs, I recommend this here translator.

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