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We Are The Lambda Generation. LambdaGeneration is a website dedicated to the video game Half-Life. ( We're basically really passionate about crowbars, headcrabs and anyone who has goatee with a PhD in theoretical physics… )

'Foxtrot Uniform' - A New Live Action Half-Life Fan Film, Coming Soon

A new Half-Life Fan Film is in the works, and it looks promising.

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Voting Goes Live For Team Fortress 2’s Second Annual Saxxy Awards!

Team Fortress Voting Goes Live For Team Fortress 2’s Second Annual Saxxy Awards!

The only time voting has ever been exciting, terrifying, and completely nerve-wracking, (all at the same time) in the history of humankind… was probably when Valve had us shooting the hell out of each other like never before, then patiently re-editing the footage into a cinema masterpiece (also like never before), all in the name of attaining a foot-high Australium bust of Saxton Hale. Evidently, I’m referring to TF2’s First Annual Saxxy Awards, which took place in May of 2011.

Well, I hope you’ve been keeping your voting finger in good shape, for it’s all going to come rushing back very soon. And by “very soon“, I mean “literally right now“.

Classic Machinima: The Gman Squad

Half-Life Classic Machinima: The Gman Squad

Remember 2008? The days where Half-Life 2: Episode Three felt like it was only a little while away and Machinima actually had Machinima on it’s channel. It’s time to take a trip down memory lane and revisit a classic Machinima series: The Gman Squad.

The Third Annual Saxxy Awards is here!

Team Fortress The Third Annual Saxxy Awards is here!

So you’re playing some Team Fortress 2 when all of a sudden you turn into solid gold. You were just killed by a player wearing a tuxedo, holding a small golden statuette of a shirtless, hairy Australian man. You may say to yourself “I hate my life and everything in it”, or you may ask yourself “wait, how can I get one of those things”?

The answer, my friend, is to win the Saxxy Awards.

Valve The Animated Series

Valve Valve The Animated Series

Ah, the greatest company in the world. Valve Software. With the most awesome CEO ever, and the most awesome PR man ever, Valve’s got it all.

Except for an animated series.

Now, Jeff is going to rectify that.

“Lambda Protocol” Live Action Fan Film Series Teased


A while back, a series titled “The Freeman Chronicles” was announced and a fundraiser was started on Indiegogo. It raised close to a third of its $75,000 goal, and donations are still available on the official website. Apart from the “Escape From City-17” shorts, this is probably one of the closest thing we’ve had to a live action Half-Life series. However, less than a month ago, CoolBrosChannel uploaded a teaser for an upcoming project.

Let’s check it out.



Two-Thirds-Life is an awesome online Flash short made as a parody to the original Half-Life. Looking at each chapter and parodying it, Two Thirds Life manages to be pretty hilarious. A 27-minute sequel which would parody HL2 was in the works until early 2010, when it was cancelled, and all that remains is a trailer and a demo chapter of “A Red Letter Day”.

View on Newgrounds:

Still, the original is very awesome, and the TTL2 previews are great as well. Perhaps the author, Raiki, can post the unfinished videos. Till then, enjoy this classic.
