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We Are The Lambda Generation. LambdaGeneration is a website dedicated to the video game Half-Life. ( We're basically really passionate about crowbars, headcrabs and anyone who has goatee with a PhD in theoretical physics… )




Articles by Jeff

News Catch-Up: Source 2 and Lego Portal Edition


If you’ve been following us on Twitter, Tumblr or Facebook, you’ve seen that a lot has happened this past week. Even if you set E3 aside there’s still things like the Summer Sale and the unveiling of Dota 2 as the first Source 2 game. There hasn’t been much coverage on the site of these major stories, so it’s time to change that. Time to catch-up.

Half-Life 2: Episode Two – Done Quick: A New Speedrun from the SourceRuns Team


A while back the SourceRuns team had done a segmented speedrun of Half-Life 2 known as Half-Life 2 Done With a High Magnitude of Velocity (DWaHMoV). Since then they’ve done runs of Portal, Portal 2 and some mods, but now they have come out with their next big segmented run: Half-Life 2: Episode Two – Done Quick or EP2DQ for short. Check it out in it’s full glory after the jump.

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