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We Are The Lambda Generation. LambdaGeneration is a website dedicated to the video game Half-Life. ( We're basically really passionate about crowbars, headcrabs and anyone who has goatee with a PhD in theoretical physics… )


Saturday, September 28th, 2013

Articles posted during Saturday September 28th 2013

Valve Announces SteamOS, Steam Machines and Steam Controller


This week Valve introduced us to a trio of living room orientated products that will be entering the Steam Universe in 2014.

The announcements took place as a series of countdowns which occurred on rather peculiar and cryptic webpage on the Steam Store. The page, titled as The Steam Universe Will be Expanding in 2014, presented three small circles which individually became available on Monday, Wednesday and Friday respectively.

Welcome to the New LambdaGeneration!


Hello and welcome to the new LambdaGeneration!

It’s been a while since LambdaGeneration was last on your screens, but the good news is we’re back and ready to re-serve the Valve Community with a whole line of new features and fresh content.

You maybe asking: Why did LambdaGeneration go offline for so long?

Well the answer to that lies between two factors, one being our hosting expired, which would have cost a lot of money and time to renew and restore the previous site. The other, being that the site was already in a poor state due to the departure of Vic and the general lack of content at the time. It was therefore decided to hold the site and focus all efforts on creating the new one.

You may also be wondering: How come it took so long?

The answer to that is of course, Valve Time. (Or that making a bespoke WordPress theme from scratch is pretty damn hard!)