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We Are The Lambda Generation. LambdaGeneration is a website dedicated to the video game Half-Life. ( We're basically really passionate about crowbars, headcrabs and anyone who has goatee with a PhD in theoretical physics… )


Sunday, December 25th, 2011

Articles posted during Sunday December 25th 2011

The LambdaGeneration Christmas 2011 Event Has Concluded


Our 2011 Christmas Countdown has ended, the iron logo has been rebuilt, and the silo office doors have finally opened. Our special holiday surprise was released right on time, at 12:00 PM GMT, on the 25th of December. While the event itself wasn’t as big as last year’s (we couldn’t get a new holiday theme going, and the countdown may not have been quite as cool as the advent calendar), the surprise: a new holiday animated special, is about fifty times better than last year’s animation. Give or take. Directed and created by our very own Jeff, and written by both Jeff and I, we think it’s pretty great, and we really hope you guys enjoy it. He also does “Valve: The Animated Series” in association with us, so be sure to check out his YouTube channel, as well as his DeviantART page, for more of his awesome work.

So, without further ado, head over to the Christmas Countdown page, and check the short out! However, if you prefer, we can take out the middleman, and you can check it out in SWF form, in far better quality, resolution, and framerate, (I told Jeff to relax and just give me the source files, so we can sell it for $20 in “remastered” form in like two years, but he just wouldn’t listen) but be sure to check out the page as well.