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Saturday, December 24th, 2011

Articles posted during Saturday December 24th 2011

Valve Teases Half-Life 3 Through Hidden Steam Store Image; And More Strange Half-Life Hints And Clues


[UPDATE 2: Looks like Leveraged and another reputable Steam Forum user both know something we don’t.]

[UPDATE: Added a small paragraph on the mysterious Valve Gift Grabs, near the end of the article.]

Could Leveraged and Spitfire’s informant have been right? Has the green-light really been given for Half-Life viral marketing? After all these years, has the time finally come for a new Half-Life installment? Let’s take a look at some pretty convincing hints regarding Half-Life, that have come from Valve in the past month. I’ll give you a few of my points of view, but it’s up to you to decide what to believe. In the words of an ancient Chinese wiseman, and totally NOT just Morpheus from The Matrix: “I can only show you the door. You’re the one that has to go through it.” I swear it’s not Morpheus, though. I… don’t even like The Matrix. I mean, I do, but… yeah, you get the idea.