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Saturday, September 10th, 2011

Articles posted during Saturday September 10th 2011

Vic On Podcast 17


William “CubicVirtuoso” McMahon came down from the heavens (he was born bearded, so I suspect he is a Norse god) earlier this month to let me know that I’d been accepted as a permanent co-host on Podcast 17. This means that you can expect to see me, or should I say, hear me every couple of weeks on P17. I’ll be doing my first appearance in about 40 minutes, on episode #152, so you should tune in then. The podcast will be posted to the site in MP3 form after that, so don’t fret if you miss it.

I’m not particularly fond of my voice, but hey, apparently there’s a lot of people out there who can’t stand the sound of their own voice. So… either my voice actually is terrible, or it’s just some sort of psychological issue. Maybe both. No idea. Check out the P17 Steam Group for more info.

Janus Syndicate Releases “Counter-Strike: The Movie Trailer” Machinima Parody


The Janus Syndicate is one of the oldest and the greatest machinima comedy groups around. It was formed in November of 2005, and it’s the group behind the excellent “Dr. Strangeman“, the hilarious “Counter-Strife: The Noob’s Guide to Counter-Strike” and, of course, the incredible “Half-Life 2: Anxiety“, which won the Grand Prize of the 2008 Ivy Film Festival.

They went on an extended absence, but returned in late last year, with a number of new videos – “Unfriendly Fire“, “Hearts and Brains” and “The Garrysmod Secret Agent“, as well as a new episode of the G-Man Squad. But they’ve just released a sort of spiritual successor to one of their most popular videos: “Counter-Strike For Kids“. Read on to check it out!