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Sunday, August 28th, 2011

Articles posted during Sunday August 28th 2011

News Roundup #55


Pretty impressive news week! We had Valve and TF’s 15th anniversaries, and the release of the long-awaited Part Two of the Escape from City 17 series. We could have also had CS:GO’s gameplay reveal – but due to some nasty WordPress issues that kept me from writing or posting, I’ve decided to release this Roundup first, then that particular article. Sorry, guys!

L4D News: August 12th Mutation Update


NOTE: Outdated news, yes. Sorry guys, but I suffered some WordPress problems that pushed my schedule back quite a bit. We’ll get back on track soon enough.

And it’s Healing Gnome up this week! Only one way to heal, and that’s by holding the gnome! But that’s not all Valve has for us this week – they’re changing the way the next Mutations will be implemented. The next 4 Mutations will be the top 4 ones by player minutes. And there’s also a small status update for the Cold Stream DLC – it’s still on track for “later this Summer”. Sounds good! You can find the blog post here.