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Monday, July 18th, 2011

Articles posted during Monday July 18th 2011

PlanetPhillip’s 100 Summer Days of Nostalgia Podcast Episode 2 Released


Phillip is doing a number of podcasts centered around his 100 Summer Days of Nostalgia event. This is the second episode of this podcast series. In it, Phillip and Don AKA Unq, discuss the 100SDoN releases 21 through 40, and chat about a number of modding and HL topics as well. The episode lasts an hour, so be sure to check it out.

You should also follow the 100 Summer Days of Nostalgia event itself, which aims to show a new Half-Life 1 map or mod every day, for 100 summer days. 48 mods have been showed off thus far, including Case Closed, the Xeno Project series and Todesangst, so the event is nearly halfway through.

When it ends on the 8th of September, the top 5 registered reviewers who submitted their recommendations to these mods will be entered into a grand prize draw. The winner will walk away with a future copy of the next Half-Life title, or a substitute game if he or she prefers. If you’ve got a copy of Half-Life 1, then you have no excuse not to participate!