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Friday, April 29th, 2011

Articles posted during Friday April 29th 2011

Podcast 17 and PlanetPhillip Interviewing Mike Morasky This Saturday; And “Philly vs Billy”


Mike Morasky is one of Valve’s sound designers and composers. He’s been at the company since 2005, if not earlier. He’s done work for Day of Defeat: Source, Team Fortress 2, Portal, Portal 2, and the Left 4 Dead series.

He’s been instrumental (No pun intended, that’s what the press release actually said. I wouldn’t lie about that, because it’s a pretty great pun. If I was to actually lie about it, I would pretend I came up with it. Great pun.) in developing Portal 2’s brand new dynamic music system, as well as its entire soundscape and soundtrack.