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Friday, January 14th, 2011

Articles posted during Friday January 14th 2011

New Video of Half-Life Minecraft Released


Remember the talented folks behind Half-Life Minecraft, a Minecraft project that seeks to recreate the original Half-Life in Minecraft, and the interview we did with them a while back?

Well, they’ve just released a new video!

It looks great! The lack of vent-crawling is a shame, but everything else is very well done.

They’ve also given us some new screenies:

We can’t wait to see more.

IGN Previews Portal 2… Again (Including Brand New Footage, With Some Minor Spoilers)


It’s time for yet another Portal 2 preview!

This time, the preview is from IGN.

They’ve created not only a large text preview (featuring new screenshots), but a video preview featuring completely new footage of the game.

Note that both feature some spoilers.

If you care for your first-time experience, then do not read or watch these.
