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We Are The Lambda Generation. LambdaGeneration is a website dedicated to the video game Half-Life. ( We're basically really passionate about crowbars, headcrabs and anyone who has goatee with a PhD in theoretical physics… )


Thursday, August 26th, 2010

Articles posted during Thursday August 26th 2010

Valve want to make a Half-Life movie themselves!


It was just another night in the LG office. Other than Alex and I, not another soul was in the entire damn room. Pinky had recently crashed the LG dirigible into the building when he found out school’s startin’ over in “whereever-he-lives”. As the wind blew through the gaping hole in the wall, suddenly, Alex bust in, yelling “OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD”. I then asked “What’s going on, Alex?”, only to get stampeded by him. As I slowly got up and realized just how strong he is, he then yelled-

What’s Going On?


I would imagine there are a few questions going through your head at the moment. Why didn’t we post anything on the 24th? Why did we only post one article on the 25th?

Allow me to answer all your questions through a simple FAQ, which I completely made up, for a stronger effect.

Portal becomes “required reading” at the Wabash College


We all know how amazing Portal is, since we operate a fansite dedicated to it and all, and while we (well, to be honest, only I) have read some of the interesting essays that attempt to show some of the subtexts and themes that can be found within Portal’s narrative, but who thought such discussions would make it out of the gaming blog or website?

Meet Michael Abbott, owner of the video game blog “The Brainy Gamer”, and a teacher at the Wabash College in Crawfordsville, Indiana, a liberal arts college founded in 1832. This may be, in fact, not only the first time this has happened inside the Wabash College, but the first time a video game has ever been on the syllabus of a college course.

Portal 2: Last GamesCom Media


GamesCom is over, but as a final treat, Valve has released some high-resolution pictures of their Portal 2 demo on their FTP. Said FTP is inaccessible (to us smelly amateur LambdaGeneration folks), but thankfully, is hosting the images. They have lovely leaky ingame prefixes. “sp_sabotage”, you say? Mwhahahaha! Deliciously not-so-informative knowledge fills my brain!