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'Steam Sales'

Articles tagged with 'Steam Sales'

Could This Really Be Half-Life 3? Everything We Know So Far About the Steam Holiday Sale ARG


Latest Update: 4th Jan 2016, 15:30pm GMT

New potential clues have emerged relating to the arctic map from the comic, which we previously covered. Scroll down to point 8 for an update on this.

So there’s a Steam ARG going on, right now.

We don’t usually hop on the Half-Life 3 conspiracy bandwagon, but this is getting a little interesting to say the least…

Community Spotlight: SteamDB


For this week’s Community Spotlight we wanted to feature a project known as “Steam Database” or “SteamDB” for short.

Essentially, SteamDB is an online tool which catalogues information about games and applications on the Steam Store. It acts as a one-stop shop for pretty much everything and anything that you need to know about every single release on Steam, from technical data such as “AppIDs” and “depot configurations” to sales information such as DLC listings and worldwide pricing, it even gathers live player statistics.

The Sale Happened, and We Barely Noticed


This is an editorial piece written by Jon “Tyk-Tok”, one of our new writers and editors (you might remember hearing him in many episodes of the recently hiatus’d Podcast 17). It focuses on last year’s Steam Holiday Sale, which just came to a close earlier this month; and the criticisms aimed squarely towards it, by some of the Steam userbase.

With tongue firmly in cheek (and wallet trapped in a state of existential chaos), Tyk-Tok looks at the 2012 Holiday Sale, and offers some of his thoughts.

I remember my first handful of Steam Holiday Sales, and just how magical the whole experience felt. Right on down the line of your friends, acquaintances, and who-is-this-persons, you would see their green-highlighted avatars playing the new daily deal, which they had been craving all-year round. I remember taking my holiday bonus and just going on a virtual rampage of five and ten dollar steals. But that was a good few years ago.

Looking at the experience nowadays, I might see something very different.

Steam Halloween Sale Goes Live (Technically, It’s Gone Undead)


This might be a shock to you, because it certainly was to me: Halloween hasn’t actually started yet. We’ve still got about a day left, yet anything remotely Halloween-related has already been going on for a few days now. How will I be able to celebrate… uhh, the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage on the 27th of October, when people are just going around asking for candy while dressed as video game characters (some of them even appear to be dressed as homeless people, although they tend to ask for money instead)? That’s just not right, not right at all.

But what if cheap horror games are involved? Then… well, I suppose all sins are forgiven after all. Screw you, Audiovisual Heritage Day! It’s time to play Killing Floor with my friends!