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'Jason Gimba'

Articles tagged with 'Jason Gimba'

Cut the power with “Power Station 17” for Half-Life 2


Power station 17 is quite an old map, 5 years old to be exact, but you wouldn’t notice it from playing. There is a level of polish in the visuals and sound that seems wise beyond it’s years and all said and done, it’s just an incredibly fun level to play.

Something that stood out for me during my time with this map is that the pacing is very well implemented. You start off in a very low intensity situation, fighting off zombies and exploring smaller scale environments and the action builds very naturally from this point until at the end you are fighting what feels like the entire Combine army!

To play the level simply head over to the download page at PlanetPhillip and download the level. Extract the contents of the downloaded file into your steam/steamapps/sourcemods directory in steam and you are ready to go (be sure to exit and then reopen steam for the level to appear in your games list!). The level only requires that Half-Life 2 is installed, you will not need episode 1 or 2!