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We Are The Lambda Generation. LambdaGeneration is a website dedicated to the video game Half-Life. ( We're basically really passionate about crowbars, headcrabs and anyone who has goatee with a PhD in theoretical physics… )



Articles tagged with 'cosplay'

Fanart Friday #001


Hello and welcome to the first edition of Fanart Fridays! This is where we hope to showcase the awesome Fanart submitted by our dear readers and followers. And what do you know, we got some submissions to show off today, let’s jump to it!

Calling All Artists


Hello, and welcome to the new ‘Creations’ section of LambdaGeneration. With this new category we hope to establish a series of weekly articles rounding up the best fanart the Valve community has to offer, and you can help by submitting your own! Remember, fanart just doesn’t mean drawings and paintings, the term art can take many shapes and forms, here are some examples of what you can submit:

  • Your GlaDOS Sculpture
  • Your cool Half-Life 2 Computer Case Mod
  • Your Gmod Screenshots (Though you should be playing JB Mod)
  • A Cosplay you did
  • An SFM Poster you made
  • Your shrine to Gabe Newell
  • Your working Wheatley Puppet
  • And much more!

Creation images can be emailed to creations[-at-] or submitted to the LambdaGeneration Tumblr

I must state that we cannot accept any fanart that is not safe for work, it’s not that we don’t appreciate it, it’s just that we want LambdaGeneration to be accessible to Valve fans of all ages.

Thanks for reading, and get creating!