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We Are The Lambda Generation. LambdaGeneration is a website dedicated to the video game Half-Life. ( We're basically really passionate about crowbars, headcrabs and anyone who has goatee with a PhD in theoretical physics… )


'City 17'

Articles tagged with 'City 17'

Interview with INFRA Developer Oskari Samiola + 30 Copies to Giveaway!


We recently covered the launch of INFRA – A new Source-based puzzle-adventure game.

Oskari Samiola, the lead developer of Infra and founder of Finnish game studio Loiste Interactive agreed to do an interview with LambdaGeneration to talk about the game and its development.

We will also be giving away 30 copies of Infra, details about this at the end of the article.

In addition, Oskari and his team have funded LambdaGeneration’s web hosting costs for the month, we gave them a shoutout in our sidebar to say thanks!

Half-Life and Portal Have Some Amazing Fancomics


Comics! Who doesn’t like comics? The Half-Life fanbase has created some fantastic material through the years. From 1998’s Walter’s World to the recent hit A Place in the West, we’ve compiled all of the creations that help document artists’ love for the Half-Life series. Maybe these can also help fill that Half-Life 3-shaped void in your soul.

See the Power of Source Filmmaker in New SFM Short ‘Protector’


Alex Portman, also know to the community as ‘Deviant Pictures Films’, has just released yet another stunning Source Filmmaker short entitled ‘Protector’.

The video attempts to portray the brutality of the Combines Civil Protection team in an emotional and tense situation, whereby an undisclosed CP sees light in the situation and takes matters into his own hands.

Portman, who initially started out by using Garry’s Mod, has produced a many shorts over the years, all of which have all been well acclaimed by the community.

You can view more of Deviant Pictures’ videos on YouTube.

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