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Articles related to Source SDK

Interview with INFRA Developer Oskari Samiola + 30 Copies to Giveaway!


We recently covered the launch of INFRA – A new Source-based puzzle-adventure game.

Oskari Samiola, the lead developer of Infra and founder of Finnish game studio Loiste Interactive agreed to do an interview with LambdaGeneration to talk about the game and its development.

We will also be giving away 30 copies of Infra, details about this at the end of the article.

In addition, Oskari and his team have funded LambdaGeneration’s web hosting costs for the month, we gave them a shoutout in our sidebar to say thanks!

An Extensive Review of Prospekt – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly


Prospekt is a single-player, stand-alone Source Engine game out now on Steam. Set in the Half-Life universe, players take on the role of corporal Adrian Shepherd, protagonist of Opposing Force. Revived from stasis, you are tasked with assisting Gordon Freeman with his trip to Nova Prospekt during the events of Half-Life 2.

Having released only last week, it is fair to say that Prospekt has already attracted a significant amount of criticism from the community. For the purposes of this review, we have chosen to take a systematic look at its strengths, and potential for improvement, in each of the key areas that apply to mods in general.

Please note, this review contains spoilers.

News Catch-Up: Source 2 and Lego Portal Edition


If you’ve been following us on Twitter, Tumblr or Facebook, you’ve seen that a lot has happened this past week. Even if you set E3 aside there’s still things like the Summer Sale and the unveiling of Dota 2 as the first Source 2 game. There hasn’t been much coverage on the site of these major stories, so it’s time to change that. Time to catch-up.

Revisit City 17 Like Never Before with ‘Half-Life 2: Update’, Coming Free to Steam on March 27th


A little over four years ago, we wrote an article to announce that version 2.0 of a little community-made ‘mod’ going by the name ‘Half Life 2: Update‘ had been released in response to Valve’s infamous 2010 Mac update that brought a weak implementation of HDR (High Dynamic Range) to Half Life 2 and an insane number of crippling bugs.

Half Life 2: Update fixed many of those bugs – unofficially – and enhanced many of the HDR effects in the vanilla game and just today, the lead developer Filip Victor has announced that the third and final iteration will be released for free on Steam this Friday, March 27th.

Joutomaa on Its Way to Being Greenlit on Steam


Many Source mods, new and old, have been taking advantage of Steam Greenlight as of late. From Aperture Tag, to Portal Stories: Mel, to Estranged, and many others to boot! Some authors may be coming under fire for deciding to release their projects on Steam with a price tag. However most want to utilize the Steam service for its advantages in reaching a wider audience, easy installation and regular updates at no cost to the user. The newest one to add to the latter’s list is 2009 classic Joutomaa, by Sauli “Mephasto” Saarimaa.

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