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Portal 2 at GamesCom: Doug Opening A Righteous Can of Press Releases

News & Rumors Other

Damn, what a busy week. Big TF2 update suddenly emerges, EP3’s still got nothing, and Valve will make a fantasy game. Yippee.

Remember Portal? That experimental game Valve bundled with the Orange Box? And that sequel they just announced? Yeah, that’s the one, and it’s coming to GamesCom, next week, in Cologne, Germany. More juicy details after that chasm I leave in the path of your speedy browsing.

Portal 2 at GamesCom: Doug Opening A Righteous Can of Press Releases

In a brief press release, Valve reveals that Portal 2 will appear at next week’s GamesCom in Cologne.

They will show a 15-minute, presumably backstage presentation, possibly around Wednesday.

Will there be a trailer? Will we still have to rely on poor shakycam footage or wait several days before IGN busts in like the heroes they are?

Who knows. At this point, we can only quote “Delay of Game”:



  1. lol, that email screenshot is so to a writer

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