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How Does Valve Actually Make the Steam Controller?

News & Rumors Valve

Valve just uploaded this video to their own YouTube channel, showing how they make the Steam Controller in their Buffalo Grove manufacturing plant.

The Steam Controller, along with the Steam Link TV streaming device and Steam Machines hardware went on sale last month. It’s no surprise that with the holiday season arriving, Valve is in full swing to accommodate the demand from gamers wanting to get their hands on the device this Christmas.

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Making the Steam Controller

Making the Steam Controller

What’s really cool in the video, is how Valve added a few Portal references to their manufacturing plant as a tribute to the turret manufacturing facility seen in Portal 2. It’s also credit due to Valve for choosing to manufacture the device in their home country, rather than take the cheaper route to China like we come to expect nowadays.


(Not seen here: Gabe Newell himself personally kissing every controller.)

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