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PlanetPhillip’s Discussion Podcast

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PlanetPhillip’s Discussion Podcast

After talking about the possibility of a discussion podcast back in December, it’s finally time for the very first PlanetPhillip Discussion Podcast.

Phillip sheds some light on the podcast’s schedule, and gives us some details on this first episode.

I hope they will become a regular event, probably every 3 or 4 weeks, depending on my schedule.

In this podcast, we chat for about 50 minutes about some older poll questions and discussion points but in future casts, we will cover current topics too.

The topics discussed are Poll Questions 004, 005 and 006 (“What is the most important aspect of a game?”; “What type of weapon do you prefer?”; “What type of enemy do you prefer to fight against?”), and there are some minor discussion points too (“Enemy Possession”; “Games with a conscience”; “You are what you eat”).

The guests are:

Josh has been an avid Half-Life fan since about last year. Making his discovery of the series after buying The Orange Box (solely for Portal), and over the period of about 4 months completing Half-Life 2, he has been been hooked on anything to do with it ever since. He enjoys nothing more than complaining about things such as the government and queuing, being a grammar policeman, and reading, as well as computering when he has time between periods of complaining. When on the computer, he is an administrator of the Combine OverWiki, a moderator and weekly writer for a game called Atmosphir, and is interested in all things Internet and Half-Life related.

Brandon “Grey Acumen” is 26 and can’t remember a time before video games; his earliest memories those of playing Legend of Zelda on the NES. He has just reached his 3rd year of Steam gaming, first signing up on Jan 9th 2008 for Portal: First Slice, but it would be another year before he finally purchased and played through Half Life and Orange Box. He has since played over a hundred mods, averaging roughly one per week since he started. His current passion is making suggestions for Minecraft, which can be found on (Search for “Aether” or “Extended 2×2 Grid Crafting”)

You can download the podcast, or play it using an embedded stream.

Anyhow, we definitely recommend checking the podcast out, and we’ll keep an eye on future episodes.


  1. As always, thanks for the mention.

    Got a small surprise for you guys in the next show.

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